in this tutorial, bold text represents example file names, which you will replace with your desired file names
create file using inkscape export as png export bitmap size 1000 dpi,
mark selection for export
put a border around your drawing
open cmd shell linux command line terminal
fab@fab-desktop:~$ png_path creates path file from your .png
lists slicing options and possible arguments.
fab@fab-desktop:~$ png_path john.png out.path creates path file from your .png
here, no arguments are used
john.png and out.path are examples
fab@fab-desktop:~$ path_ps out.path; evince generates a visual representation of your toolpath
fab@fab-desktop:~$ path_camm will show a list of variables / arguments for you to control,
seen in the following line of this tutorial as the italicized numbers
fab@fab-desktop:~$ path_camm out.path out.camm 60 5 setting for vinyl cutter
fab@fab-desktop:~$ camm_send out.camm sends file to vinyl cutter
fab@fab-desktop:~$ png_path
command line: png_path in.png out.path [intensity [error [diameter [number [overlap [z [z_number z_max intensity_max [axis]]]]]]]]
in.png = input PNG file
out.path = output path file
intensity = intensity level to slice (optional, 0-1, default 0.5)
error = allowable vector fit deviation (optional, pixels, default 1.1)
diameter = diameter to offset (optional, mm, default 0)
number = number of contours to offset (optional, -1 to fill all, default 1)
overlap = tool overlap fraction (optional, 0 (no overlap) - 1 (complete overlap, default 0.5))
z = slice z value (optional, mm, default 0)
z_number = number of z slices (optional, default 1)
z_max = maximum z slice height (optional, mm)
intensity_max = maximum intensity level to slice (optional, 0-1)
axis = axis to slice (optional, x|-x|y|-y|z|-z, default z)**
fab@fab-desktop:~$ png_path john.png out.png
read john.png
x pixels: 4603, y pixels: 4730
x pixels/m: 39370, y pixels/m: 39370
dx: 116.916435 mm, dy: 120.142242 mm
png_path: intensity 0.500000, z 0.000000
find edges
find distances
distance 0.000000, 3060045 exterior points remain
write out.png
degrees of freedom: 3
units: mm mm mm
segments: 1, points: 428
nx: 4603, ny: 4730, nz: 1
dx: 116.916435, dy: 120.142242, dz: 0.000000
x0: 0.000000, y0: 0.000000, z0: 0.000000
fab@fab-desktop:~$ path_ps out.path; evince
read out.path
degrees of freedom: 3
units: mm mm mm
segments: 1, points: 428
nx: 4603, ny: 4730, nz: 1
dx: 116.916435, dy: 120.142242, dz: 0.000000
x0: 0.000000, y0: 0.000000, z0: 0.000000
segments: 1, points: 427
fab@fab-desktop:~$ path_camm out.path out.camm 30 5
read out.path
degrees of freedom: 3
units: mm mm mm
segments: 1, points: 428
nx: 4603, ny: 4730, nz: 1
dx: 116.916435, dy: 120.142242, dz: 0.000000
x0: 0.000000, y0: 0.000000, z0: 0.000000
wrote out.camm
segments: 1, points: 427
fab@fab-desktop:~$ camm_send out.camm